
Making the decision to take our kids to see a psychologist can be distressing. And it can be. We get it.
But, there usually there is a tipping point, a moment for many “been there, done that” parents, to finally make the decision to find outside help for their child and bring them to see a psychologist. So what are the signs to know if your child needs to see a psychologist, or another professional?


  1. When the school counselor doesn’t seem to be enough Some kids are fine with school counselors. But for others it is embarrassing to leave class or for their peers to see them walk into the counselor’s room. Also remember that counseling has a lot to do with personalities clicking, your school’s counselor may just not be the right fit for your child.
  1. When you start to feel like your child’s behavior is not within the normal development range

​We can’t expect our kids to behave all the time—and we know there certain development stages are more challenging than others. Toddlers are notorious for sudden rages, stubbornness, tantrums and meltdowns. But sometimes their behavior may seem outside of normal and may become overwhelming for you as a parent. Come see a counselor—the worst thing that can happen is that we tell you their behavior is perfectly age appropriate.

  1. When you want to understand more about the child or yourself to be able to better plan ahead for the rest school year

Are you or your child feeling lost in the school year? Are you struggling to set a pace? Are they struggling with their new teacher? It helps to set expectations and have a plan.  Start the school new year with a plan, this will help you and your child ease the anxiety of going back to school.  Even if its not the beginning of the school year it may be time to reassess and make a plan.

  1. Are you struggling to understand your child’s reasoning or personality? Some families need relationship counseling and coaching.

The secret is to create a closer connection with your child. Just like other relationships, friendships or even your marriage, it takes a lot of time and effort to keep up with others—the same is true for our children. In the end, while it might be helpful to discuss with other parents or family members regarding your child’s behavior. If you’ve been noticing things that seem unusual, or just have a gut feeling that something is wrong, don’t ignore it. When children display signs suggesting a possible mental health issue, the sooner it is diagnosed and treated, the better they will be.

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