Our Team
Our team is composed of highly qualified counselors, physiologist, wellness coaches, social workers and life coaches.

Citta Nirbito - Director of Communications and Marketing
Hi! I’m Citta, born and raised in Jakarta, 36 years ago. My passion is assisting people from all walks of life to realize and reach their potentials. I have a decade of dedication and solid experiences in the fields of community development, project management, business development and corporate communications. Blessed and fortunate to have been working with Indonesians from Sumatera to Papua, and living in several countries in Europe to Australia. I love everything about Indonesian artworks, 70’s music and designing clothes or accessories. If I’m not working, you can find me learning MMA in the gym or having coffee/wine with my friends.
I am in charge of the day to day IWC management and operational, so do not hesitate to say hello if you see me in the center or contact me if you have any feedbacks or concerns regarding IWC services. Your valued opinions are important for us to give a star service and support that you deserve. You can reach me directly on citta.nirbito@workplaceoptions.com or citta.nirbito@internationalwellbeingcenter.com.
Rani Wisari – Office Manager
Hello! You can call me Icha. You can see me on the front desk to manage your appointments with us. I live in Depok and was born in Jakarta 28 years ago.
My passion has always been assisting people to maintain good health. I took physiotherapy in University of Indonesia, and held a licence as a therapist. I have 7 years and counting of strong experiences in health care; from being a team leader, chiropractic assistance to office manager in a clinical center. In my spare time, I love reading Japanese comics and traveling abroad with my best friends. I’m also crazy about K-POP music and will never miss out on any Korean music concerts in Jakarta.
If you want to know more information about International Wellbeing center or booking your appointment, please reach me on info@internationalwellbeingcenter.com or call me at
+62 81290529034. I will be more than pleased to assist you with any questions, specific requests or any concerns you have in mind.

Nicoll Soedarko - Communications and Marketing Staff
Ciao, my name is Nicoll. In 1995, I was born in Malang, East Java. I’m a young hippy at heart who loves to travel and explore as many countries as possible. I want to be exposed with many people and cultures, because I love to be surrounded by beauty and nature.
To see and create beauty are also the reasons I became a creative designer, although I graduated from business school. I learn it autodidact since secondary school. In 2016, I produced my first short movie that got national nomination. The movie is called “Beruang Kecilku” or “My Little Bear” that tells a story about human relations and expectations. My other hobby is doing sport, I’m an avid triathlon athlete. And I brew wine in my spare time.
Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about creative design or have any feedbacks on my work at nicoll.soedarko@workplaceoptions.com.